Robert M. Cardinale M.D.
- Rutgers University
Newark, New Jersey
- University of Maryland
School of Medicine
Baltimore, Maryland
- Radiation Oncology
Johns Hopkins Medical School
Baltimore, Maryland
Dr. Cardinale graduated magna cum laude in electrical engineering from Rutgers University, N.J., and received his medical degree from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore. He completed his residency, chief residency and fellowship in radiation oncology at Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore. He has served in several academic positions and is currently an associate professor at The Medical College of Virginia, Richmond, and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick, N.J.
Dr. Cardinale was selected by his peers as a “Top Doctor” in New Jersey and was named among the “Best Doctors in America.” He has received numerous honors and holds U.S. patents for novel cancer treatments. He has authored many articles and book chapters in radiation oncology and has presented his work at more than 50 national and international scientific meetings.
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