Your Care Team of Proton Therapy Doctors
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Incredible Expertise and Care
Treatment at ProCure is led by some of the most experienced physicians and specialists in the field of proton therapy. Backed by the most advanced technology and unmatched experience in treating the most complex cases, our world-class team is renowned for providing the highest levels of personalized patient care.

ProCure’s physicians are world-renowned for their experience and expertise in treating the most complex cases.
Patient Care Team
Leading Treatment. Exceptional Care.
Your personal Care Team is committed to providing you with exceptional patient care. Your team consists of many individuals who stay with you throughout your course of treatment and during your follow-up care. All team members are completely focused on helping you feel comfortable, supported, and strong every step of the way.
Patient Services help take care of the day-to-day needs to make your visits as comfortable as possible. They offer concierge services for both patients and their loved ones, such as recommendations for accommodation or arranging social opportunities among the ProCure community.
Radiation Oncologists are the specialized physicians who work with Dosimetrists to develop a treatment plan that delivers the most effective precision therapy for your specific needs. They will meet with you once a week during treatment to review your progress and discuss any questions or concerns you may have.
Registered Oncology Nurses provide day-to-day care and help coordinate any additional medical services you might need during treatment. This includes arranging for blood tests, scans, medical appointments or other additional services you need.
Radiation Therapists work closely with your entire team to administer and deliver your daily proton treatment. They will ensure you are positioned properly during treatment sessions and be close at hand while you receive therapy.
Dosimetrists collaborate with your doctor to prepare a treatment plan specific to your situation. They calculate the angles and doses of proton energy required to treat your tumor, while ensuring your healthy tissue is exposed to as little radiation as possible. They work closely with the Radiation Therapists throughout your course of treatment.
Medical Physicists map out the shape and required intensity of the proton beam. They assure the safe and effective delivery of radiation by monitoring the equipment and procedures used in therapy. They also run patient-specific checks on the unique plan created for your treatment to ensure it delivers the exact radiation dose required for your tumor.
Leaders in Medicine. Experts in Proton Therapy.
Our radiation oncologists are members of the Princeton Radiation Oncology (PRO), a division of Princeton Radiology Associates PA.
PRO is an 11-physician group of board-certified radiation oncologists who practice at five accredited cancer centers in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.
PRO physicians are respected leaders in their field and have trained at premier cancer centers including MGH/Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, and University of Pennsylvania.
Talk To Us
Find out if proton therapy is the right treatment for you. Contact our Care Team or request more information online.
Attend An Information Session
Learn more about proton therapy and our world-class Care Team. Contact the center to reserve your place.